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Pulling Changes from a Statamic “Solo” Site

In this post, we'll go through how to pull down Git changes with a Statamic site. I'll specifically cover Ploi, but the steps will be similar on other platforms. This assumes that you have established an SSH connection to your server—if you haven't got this sorted, check out my earlier video, Setting Up SSH and SFTP Access With Ploi.

There are a few ways to use Statamic—workflow and licence-wise. This video may be useful if you're checking out Statamic with a solo licence and need to pull down some changes from your production environment, or you may just want to make sure your server can push to your repo via SSH if you're setting up Statamic Pro Git integration.

Make Sure You Have Your Repository Linked to Ploi Via SSH

One “Gotcha” with Ploi is if you link to a repository using the built-in “wizard” it will link to your repository using the OAuth protocol. Oath defaults to HTTPS, which means we won't be using SSH to push changes. This causes issues when trying to push back to the repository.

To solve this, when you link a site to a repository in Ploi, instead of selecting your provider, choose “Custom”. At this point, you need to ensure that you add your Ploi sever's SSH key to your account with your provider. Ploi will show you the SSH key to add when you select “Custom”. Copy the key, and (in Bitbucket, for example) go to your Personal Settings > SSH Keys > Add Key – paste in the copied SSH key and call it something like “Ploi - Name of your server”.

Go back into your repository in Bitbucket and click the “Clone” button in the top right. This will reveal the address of your Bitbucket repository. It will look something like this:

Paste this into the Repository field in Ploi, select “Install composer dependencies” as usual and then click “Install Repository”. A huge thank you to Stephen Meehan for helping me out with this gotcha.

Check The Git Status On Your Server and Commit Changes to Git

  1. SSH into your machine, using a command like ssh ploi@yourserveripaddresshere

  2. Make sure you're in the correct directory—with Ploi that'll probably be a command like: cd

  3. git remote -v this should now show you two SSH-style addresses—one for fetch and one for pull.

  4. git status to see if there are any changes to the production site that you can push up to Git.

  5. Go ahead and add your changes to production e.g.

    1. git add .

    2. git commit -m "Content changes"

    3. git push

You should now be able to pull your changes down to your site locally using the git pull command.